We’ve built the Greenhouse! What’s Next?
The Phoenix Garden Project members are working in partnership with the John Howard Society and with prison officials at HMP, all of whom are committed to the gardening program and greenhouse inside of HMP as a way of growing together in beauty.
We have big plans for 2022-2023!
We will be building a spiral meditation garden just down the hill from the greenhouse and transforming another piece of the land inside HMP into a beautiful area for reflection, writing, thinking and being.
This meditation garden (like the greenhouse) will all be moveable when the new prison is built, and we are conscious of this.
The Inside Gardening participants will be assisting a local landscaping team with the installation of the meditation garden, and it will be used by many supporting groups.
We are also interested in expanding the potential for the greenhouse by building wooden shelves inside the greenhouse and also installing electricity and increased ventilation.
We need help to support the transformation from prison yard to beautiful garden, whether through one-time donations, or monthly recurring donations.
Every gift will have an exciting two-fold result: donations will help support the ongoing work of the Phoenix Garden Project,
and gifts will also celebrate the work of the John Howard Society-NL.
Donations can be made through the John Howard Society-NL via Canada Helps, and will be honoured with a receipt for income purposes.
We are eager to include everyone in the excitement of digging deep and need help from all hands.
We have a target of $15,000 that we know can be realised by midnight of Nov. 1, 2022 with your generosity.
Please help us expand this remarkable gardening program at HMP!