I'se the Buy:
Every donation - whatever the size - will be helpful and fully appreciated!
Here are a few fun ways to imagine helping the HMP Garden Project continue to “Dig Deep"
Click on a dollar amount below to take you to the donation page:
• granite screenings base for stones for the meditation garden: $500
• buy a board for the greenhouse shelves: $25 (we need lots of these)
• buy connectors for the shelves: $10
• connect the greenhouse electrically: $1000 (we’re consider solar panels too…)
• consider being a major sponsor with your organisation or group:
- help us with this exciting project!
• buy a new garden hose: $50
• buy a walking stone for the meditation garden: $100 (we need lots of these)
• buy a compost barrel: $200 (there is lots of capacity for competing at HMP - our two barrels are already full!)
• buy some red wrigglers for composting: $80 (vermiculture is a nifty part of the HMP-PGP curriculum!)
or make a general donation in any amount
Matching gifts, legacy giving and mail-in cheques are also options that will help support our long-term sustainability. Click here to ask for information on how to do this.
Donations are made through the John Howard Society-NL
via Canada Helps, and will be honoured with a receipt for income purposes.