dig deep: plant seeds with a donation

We are eager to include everyone in the excitement of digging deep, and we continue to need help from all hands.

We have a target of $15,000 that we know can be realised by midnight of November 1, 2022 with your generosity. Our fundraising campaign opens on the full moon of July 13 - please help us to continue to expand this remarkable program at HMP!

You can help to support a transformation from prison yard to beautiful garden, whether through a one-time donation, a monthly recurring donation, or a donation by mail. Your gift has an exciting two-fold result: donations will help us support the ongoing work of the Phoenix Garden Project, and your gift will also celebrate the work of the John Howard Society-NL.

Click here to go to our I'se the BUY page
and imagine what your donations can purchase!

Donations are made through the John Howard Society-NL via Canada Helps,
and will be honoured with a receipt for income purposes.